
>> Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh lord. Fergie's dress (by Elie Saab, who makes me swoon, no kidding) is gorgeous, although I wish she'd have gone up a size on the bodice. Why is squashed boob syndrome not more of a sartorial faux pas?

Regardless of what she's wearing however, every time I see a picture of Fergie all I can think of is this - why on earth would anyone in their right mind want to willingly go from this:

to this?

Plastic surgery: not a good option when you're already gorgeous, Ferg.


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About this Blog

I've loved fashion for as long as I can remember, so it only makes sense that I write for a fashion magazine. I find however that the experience of working in the industry is quite different from appreciating it from afar. That's why I chose to be a travel writer (I chronicle some of my travel experiences here) while staying at the magazine, albeit focusing more on the lifestyle aspects of the job. This means that I must find another outlet for all my sartorial web crawling - et voila! Monyet in Pearls was born.

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