Speaking of Jennifers...

>> Monday, January 18, 2010

How cute is Jennifer Westfeldt in this dress? With a bearded John Hamm, too. I never got past the pilot episode of Mad Men but Hamm ranks high within my top three reasons to watch the show - my love for vintage fashion and fascination with the cultural norms of decades gone by being the other two.

Westfeldt is gorgeous in an instantly recognisable Marchesa gown (just for one day I'd like to be Georgina Chapman - although that does mean I'd have to share a bed with Harvey Weinstein and his belly - on second thought, maybe not. I just want her clothes). I loved her in Kissing Jessica Stein, which I just watched for the first time a couple of days ago. If ever I was to be a lesbian, lipstick lesbianism would be the way I'd go, I'm sure. I'm also certain that my relationship would take the exact same route hers did in the movie and I saw a lot of myself in her character, so I feel like I know her now, you know?

Also, how cute is it that she's been with Hamm since 1997?


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About this Blog

I've loved fashion for as long as I can remember, so it only makes sense that I write for a fashion magazine. I find however that the experience of working in the industry is quite different from appreciating it from afar. That's why I chose to be a travel writer (I chronicle some of my travel experiences here) while staying at the magazine, albeit focusing more on the lifestyle aspects of the job. This means that I must find another outlet for all my sartorial web crawling - et voila! Monyet in Pearls was born.

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