Hello, Jane Krakowski

>> Monday, January 18, 2010

You are so funny on 30 Rock (funnier than Tracy Morgan) and you provide me with several hours of bewilderment seeing as how you clearly don't have a tiny waspish waist but always manage to look slim somehow, and please would you divulge those magic powers to me since I would also like to look slim without having to lose an inch off my 27-inch waist and I think you always have the nicest eyeshadow and even though it was a front I think you and James Franco would have made a great couple and oh yeah, you are gorgeous.


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I've loved fashion for as long as I can remember, so it only makes sense that I write for a fashion magazine. I find however that the experience of working in the industry is quite different from appreciating it from afar. That's why I chose to be a travel writer (I chronicle some of my travel experiences here) while staying at the magazine, albeit focusing more on the lifestyle aspects of the job. This means that I must find another outlet for all my sartorial web crawling - et voila! Monyet in Pearls was born.

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