And speaking of Marchesa...

>> Monday, January 18, 2010

This is so gorgeous! Kate Hudson in Marchesa brings to mind marzipan frosting on Christmas cake, which as separate entities constitute a few of my favourite things, but together? Oh my! This dress can do no wrong. The girls at Marchesa truly are the reigning queens of red carpet fashion.

Let's talk about the shoes though. What on earth is going on here? It could be the angle but they look ludicrously small and remind me of a weird Chinese-bound-shoe-modern-Venetian-chopine-Vivienne-Westwood hybrid, which is making my head spin when I'd much rather be thinking about marzipan frosting on Christmas cake. If ever I see the person who designed these shoes on the street, I'll be sure to stop them and tell them as much.


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About this Blog

I've loved fashion for as long as I can remember, so it only makes sense that I write for a fashion magazine. I find however that the experience of working in the industry is quite different from appreciating it from afar. That's why I chose to be a travel writer (I chronicle some of my travel experiences here) while staying at the magazine, albeit focusing more on the lifestyle aspects of the job. This means that I must find another outlet for all my sartorial web crawling - et voila! Monyet in Pearls was born.

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